

Soft Prologue (2022)

Solo exhibition ‘Soft Prologue’ @Kunstdoc523

Soft Prologue (2022) stoneware, metal frame, mdf_70x16x120(cm)

porcelain, stainless_29×15×38cm

Soft Prologue (KR) - neolook 

Soft Prologue (2022)

가변설치 석기질 점토, 메탈프레임, 에코보드

<Item Inventory(2021)>는 웨어러블 디바이스의 ‘입을 수 있음 (wearability)’와 ‘신체적 증진(body enhancement)’ 이라는 두가지 요소에서 출발한다. 게임 캐릭터는 플레이어가 가상세계에 존재하는 아바타를 직접 조작한다는 점에서 사용자의 연장된 자아 혹은 신체라고 여겨진다. 온라인 게임 캐릭터의의복과 아이템은 이러한 캐릭터의 신체적 역량 혹은 능력을 증진시키거나 특별한 능력을 부여한다는 점에서 현 세계의 웨어러블 디바이스의 특성과 유사하다.

이번 전시에서는, 게임 캐릭터의 의상과 게임아이템, 게임 디바이스 등 시각적 디지털 요소를 조합하여 세라믹 조각 시리즈를 제작하고, 온라인 게임의 아이템 인벤토리 공간을 실제 갤러리 공간에 배치하여, 독특하고 언캐니한 분위기를 자아내고자 한다. 인류가 가장 오랫동안 사용해 왔던 재료인 흙과 불을이용하여, 디지털 디바이스와 디지털 공간의 요소들을 전통적인 재료를 활용하여 현대적으로 재해석한다. 네트워크화 된 디지털 공간에서 볼 수 있는 시각적 요소를 세라믹으로 재현하는 작업은 디지털 요소와 우리에게 친숙한 수공예적 요소를 혼합함으로서 관람자가 오랜 기간동안 이어져 온 인류의 창의력과 생산성을 제고하는 기회를 제공한다

<Soft Prologue>(2022)
Dimension variable, stoneware, metal frame, eco-board

This project began with seeking conceptual similarities between modern wearable devices and online game items. Real players experience physical expansion into the digital space in that they directly manipulate avatar in the virtual world. Clothing and items of online game characters share similarities with today’s wearable devices in that they enhance the character’s physical capabilities or endow them with special abilities. It is a project that was intended to connect now and the near future through organic materiality of ceramic clay, digital devices, and virtual game items.

<Soft Prologue> (2022) is an installation work using ceramic sculptures. In this project, digital objects, such as virtual garments, game items and game devices of game spaces are transformed into ceramic sculptures. The item inventory space—which is easily seen in the online game space is reconstructed in real space while creating a unique and uncanny atmosphere.

Seoul & London